Review: Australian Self Publishing Group International Book Fairs experience.

March 4th, 2014 — 12:21pm

Again I am caught completely by surprise.

We just received an email from a literary agent who took our book catalogue in 2012 at London book fair. She was asking us if the translation rights for “How to Get Anything You Want” book was still available. This book was sent by the author to the book fair with us for display at London and Frankfurt.

Just because a book does not have instant success does not mean it will never have success. This is the power of the international book fairs and is the reason authors should sent their books to a few.

Catalogues we make and hand out at the fair are not discarded by agents and publishers, but used as a reference when they need a certain kind of book.

The book industry is not fast moving and works on a 12 to 24 month cycles.
So authors should not be discouraged or run off at the mouth and say bad things about them, because you just never know.

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