Hunger Games Protocol – Australian Self Publishing Group

November 24th, 2013 — 10:00pm

9781925011241 cover

Congratulations to Robert Greenberg on finally finishing and releasing his book, The Hunger Game Protocol, just in time for the release of the new movie I believe?

Robert holds the record for the longest production of a book we have ever done. It fact he nearly drove our editor to drink with all the changes we had to make. Robert is so passionate about the book and subject that he just had to get it the best he possibly could and it ended up really good, well worth the effort.

Robert himself will admit he is a perfectionist. See what he says about us.

In 2012 I was inspired to write my first book (The Hunger Games Protocol) and several months later began to look for a publisher.
Now what I needed was some sound advice and guidance and this was hard to come by.
Needless to say many vanity publishers found on the net promised the world but dealing with someone sitting in an overseas call centre didn’t appeal to say the least and most of the established “Big boys” in the industry don’t want to know you at all or will only give you the time of day if you are an established writer to start with, how’s that for catch 22!

Then I came across Australian Self Publishing Group and couldn’t be happier!

William and Irina Webster were great source of helpful knowledge and advice and as I had a nasty habit of changing and altering the text of my work a lot of patience as well.

I cannot to highly recommend Australian Self Publishing Group if you want to get yourself in print!

Contact Robert where to get his book.
Robert Greenberg.
Feel free to call.